Women We Love – Gloria Steinem

I really hate Esquire’s Women we Love feature. I also hate their Sexiest Woman Alive feature. Yes it’s probably true that they (them) speak for the larger swath of male human but it’s just so … small. But okay fine. Indeed, from my perspective...

I was Slut Shamed at 49

For my 49th birthday I thought it would be fun to post a sexy photo of myself to remind anyone who might care, including myself, that I was still a sexy, vital woman who has left behind the 20s, the 30s and the 40s. Somehow you grow up thinking that these aren’t...

A Rich Life – Patti Smith

Patti Smith’s life gives me hope that there is so much more to do with your time than spend it trying not to age. You can try to maintain the male gaze as long as possible. You can feel emptied out when it’s gone. You can value your worth by how desirable...

God’s Assessment of the Human Race

You have been unkind to each other, most of the animals on this earth, and continue to do destruction to yourselves on a continual basis, torture animals while polluting the world.  I think I’m done with you. Signed, God p.s. Global warming is to be your...