by Sasha Stone | Jul 20, 2010 | FAMILY, Misc
A few weeks ago, I went camping with two twelve year-old girls and my old friend Robert (who has no kids). It was a fun trip but had shades of those fight scenes in Close Encounters, you know, the ones that motivate Richard Dreyfuss to finally leave the planet Earth?...
by Sasha Stone | Jul 5, 2008 | Blog 'em and Weep, Misc, TO MUSE
The fires here in Southern California have turned the sky a Halloween orange and clouded them up for the 4th. Crowds still gathered to watch the fireworks even though, in my opinion as a Scrooge, seen one you’ve seen them all. All they really seem to do is make...
by Sasha Stone | Jul 3, 2008 | TO MUSE
Yeah, pretty much yesterday was the day from hell. I’m really glad it’s almost over, to tell you the god’s honest truth. The dirt on the ground is just the tip of the iceberg. One cute thing: rabbits everywhere. Noisy drunken white trash neighbors...
by Sasha Stone | Jul 1, 2008 | TO MUSE
I don’t have any pics yet to share, though I’ve taken a massive amount of them and especially love the one with squirrels overrunning a campsite while the campers slept silently. The squirrels have taken over completely here and they wait for their moment...