by Sasha Stone | Aug 5, 2010 | How to Blog, TO BLOG
In all of the years I’ve been online, I’m still surprised to find that every single day I find a new voice, a new vision, a new person who is handing out useful info, advice, or just plain beauty. Today’s cool person is Derek Sivers. I found him via...
by Sasha Stone | Apr 26, 2010 | How to Blog, Work
That’s the thing about blogging that occurred to me last night, as we stumbled out of California Adventure — the souls of our feet aching, our psyches bled out, our wallets drained – my thoughts were on the Oscars. Or they were on this other site...
by Sasha Stone | Apr 24, 2010 | How to Blog, TO BITCH, TO BLOG
Ugh. This has not been a great week. If you want to blog, know this: the more successful you become, the more people are going to hate you. I am unfortunately an Oscar blogger, an invented genre, an invented profession and one no one respects. It is like uttering a...
by Sasha Stone | Apr 17, 2010 | How to Blog, TO BLOG
After a very long, tiring and ultimately drab Part 1, I think I can streamline things for you in Part 2. But let’s refresh our memory. 1. Think of a site name. Register it with a registrar site, not the hosting site which offers free domain registration –...
by Sasha Stone | Mar 31, 2010 | TO BLOG
I have decided to start a series of posts giving away valuable information on how anyone can start a blog. I’m someone who thinks everyone should blog. I don’t think the world needs more blogs but I think, given the ease with which anyone can start a...