by Sasha Stone | Jan 1, 2017 | FILM
Sometimes when I watch movies now I think that film criticism is a waste of time, a waste of art, and a waste of human emotions. You can pick apart any movie but where does that get you? What road does it take you down? To have standards? To express your opinion?...
by Sasha Stone | Jul 16, 2010 | FILM, Monsters Among Us, TO BITCH
This from US Weekly’s story about Oksana supposedly trying to extort 10 million from Mel Gibson to keep audio tapes under wraps. Bless Mel’s heart because he made a stupid decision leaving Robin for this money hungry tramp looking for a free ride....
by Sasha Stone | May 1, 2010 | CELEBS, Mel Gibson
There I was, a quick run down to Whole Foods to buy some stuff – you know, hadn’t showered and all of that. It was the small Whole Foods in Valley Village (or Sherman Oaks or whatever you want to call it). Tiny store. So small you can’t really walk...