by Sasha Stone | Sep 19, 2012 | In the Crapper, TO BITCH
Mitt Romney’s disdain for “those people,” the 47% of Obama voters who supposedly don’t care about “helping themselves” was clear when a fundraiser poor old Mitt had no idea was going to be discovered hit the internet. You’ve...
by Sasha Stone | Sep 12, 2012 | TO BLOG
I have long since reconciled my irritation with the success of both Dooce and The Pioneer Woman. The reason being, I read both of their sites every day. I learn from both of them in very different ways. Though Pioneer Woman often talks about her family and her...
by Sasha Stone | Sep 9, 2012 | Monsters Among Us, TO BITCH
In today’s New York Times column, Maureen Dowd continues her obsession with attention by blaming Obama for not having stood up to the Republicans the way the “limousine liberals” wanted him to do. Funny, because over there on the right they are...