Freaks and Geeks and Creeps Drawn to Obama

Why is it that Obama, the coolest guy to ever come down the pike, is now saddled with the fucking loonies who are going to ruin it for all of us? If Camille Paglia doesn’t shut her pie-hole, giving Matt Drudge constant fodder to drag down Obama (oh, did you...

A Vital Mind

Of the kind I don’t think we’ve ever seen go so far in politics; he thinks for himself. [youtube][/youtube] Love him.

It Takes a Woman to Know it

I love women now. There was a long time in my 20s and 30s when men were my better friends. Sure, I had my sisters and my best friend, but usually, my friends and those I admired in art, film and literature were men. I would probably need a lot of therapy or a really...

Weird Things and Weird People

Sometimes being an adult is very much like being a kid. Recently, I had the occasion of being the one “not invited” to a party. I’ve not often been that person because usually I get invited to everything. Or I do at the various places I’ve...