I know only human being I’d actually like to murder. Now, I can add a few soldiers to the list:
Congolese militia are threatening to slaughter rare mountain gorillas in Congo’s Virunga National Park after they raided the eastern reserve at the weekend, killing a wildlife officer, officials said.
Up to three more local wildlife workers were injured in the attacks early on Sunday by Mai Mai militia fighters on three conservation and tourism camps in the park, in
Democratic Republic of Congo’s violence-torn North Kivu province.Officials in Virunga, Africa’s oldest national park established in 1925, said on Monday the attackers looted the three sites, seizing arms and communications equipment.
The area attacked is only two hours walk from a unique and isolated population of gorillas, according to WildlifeDirect, an organization involved in conservation in Virunga, which is home to half of the 700 mountain gorillas that remain in the world.
“This was an unprovoked attack on our Rangers and other wildlife officers who protect Virunga’s wildlife. And the Mai Mai said that if we retaliate, they will kill all the gorillas in this area,” Virunga’s Park Director Norbert Mushenzi said in a statement distributed by WildlifeDirect.
During the raids, 13 other local wildlife workers were taken hostage by the militia fighters but were subsequently released, WildlifeDirect said.
Ya know, if we wiped out every other species on the planet and paved every surface inch, the worst that would happen is we’d die out ourselves, and the Earth would rebuild itself over time until another species evolved to the point its ego outstripped its reason and completed the cycle again.
Good Riddance to Mankind, I say.