Witnessing Perfection

Witnessing Perfection

Flesh makes a temporary border Lasts as long as a whisper– what separates you from me. You wrap your fingers tightly around what feels like my heart. Tongue and teeth, My well worn terrain burned out by flame, Awakened by fire, starting new. Yes. So it does....

I Love Other Women

As much as I love men (eye candy) I love women even more I think. As I get older, I am appreciating women who are straight shooters. They can cut through the bullshit if they don’t care whether you “like” them or not. There aren’t many because,...
Poem – Vertigo

Poem – Vertigo

Vertigo Frisco in the light of day Painted ghosts Faces half-lit through windows and necklaces, You trailed after an invisible beauty who only looked that way when you looked for me. Your shadow freed the light. A slow moving butterfly, wings trapped in honey You need...

I Think I’m a Mother

I remember when I first became a mother. I remember because I couldn’t let go of my baby. Literally. I held onto her for a full two weeks, I think, after a long and painful labor. I remember being challenged by the (now seeming simple) act of breastfeeding. I...