Why I Read Drudge

I guess my question is, why wouldn’t I read Drudge? So many of my liberal friends don’t because of his obvious right wing slant. We know this to be true. I read him several times a day and have for years. I even used to listen to his radio show and...

Beach Camping is Impossible in California

Unless you’re one of those people who makes reservations one year in advance. I am so not one of those people. There is camping up and down the coast, all booked solid. Since my daughter and I can’t afford to go to Italy this year (barring some monetary...

One School Indivisible

I had to laugh yesterday when we delivered our hard-won newspaper to our fourth grade class and other administrators around the school and a new parent approached. Her daughter was being brought into the fifth grade magnet. Supposedly, according to the admins, there...