This is so awesome. Thank you Yesus for this gift bestowed us – Elizabeth Warren gets really mad, as mad as every woman should be when faced with a sexist conservative pro-corporate radically fundamentalist Christian SCOTUS. She nails them. Right to the wall.
“Guys, this is 2014 not 1914. Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason, Republicans keep dragging us back here over and over and over again.”
From DailyKos:
“Right now, with millions of Americans still out of work, and struggling to recover from the worst economic downturn since the great depression, with 40 million Americans dealing with student loans, with millions of people working full-time at minimum wage and still living in poverty, with the big banks getting bigger and the workers getting poorer, and seniors struggling to make ends meet, Republicans in Washington have decided the most important thing for them to focus on is how to deny women access to birth control.”
“Most Americans thought this was settled long, long ago. But for some reason, Republicans keep dragging us back here over, and over, and over again.”
“Giant corporations and their right-wing allies fight every day in Congress to protect their own privileges and to bend the laws to benefit themselves.”
Warren concluded:
“I will never stop fighting the efforts of backward looking ideologues, who want to cut women’s access to birth control. We’ve lived in that world, and we are not going back — not ever.”