I love the advances of modern technology. David, I have no caller ID and I cannot find your number. I am thinking of looking in your neighborhood for apartments. I’ll be in and out all day but hopefully I can catch you. I have to memorize your number after all of this time. I know that makes me a bad friend or a spaced out loser but hey, pobody’s nerfect. 🙂
p.s. thanks again for the freebie CPK. And Emma loves her cup.
And while we’re on it, hey Keith – long time no hear. Thanks for being the one person who ever comments on this site when you have a mind to. Hope all is well out there with Robin. I do think of you often and apologize for being such a flake of a niece. On the bright side, I need to interview you at some point about the early days for a book I’m pretending I will write but that I will probably never write.
Dear Clara,
You’re such a good friend and I don’t know if you even read this but if you do, hang in there pal. Love ya.
Dear Emma,
Sorry to be so surly lately and such a bummer mom. I try, you know, but as my crazy mom always says, trying isn’t good enough. I’ve learned that things can always get worse even when they’re getting better because the better part is often an illusion to lull you into thinking that life is easier than it actually is. On the other hand, never underestimate the power of a really good illusion – isn’t that what a positive attitude is all about? So you just asked me what the “C-word” is. Someday you’ll already know what it is but I’m not going to be the one to tell you – just like when your friend told you she saw “mommy drinking daddy’s pee.” You know, someday it will all be clarified and hilarity will ensue.