by Sasha Stone | Jun 14, 2008 | Blog 'em and Weep
Unless you’re one of those people who makes reservations one year in advance. I am so not one of those people. There is camping up and down the coast, all booked solid. Since my daughter and I can’t afford to go to Italy this year (barring some monetary...
by Sasha Stone | Jun 14, 2008 | Thought for the Day
He’s become such a punching bag for political blogs, especially Huffington Post and Firedog Lake who never let up. Now that Tim Russert is dead what will they do with all that? Thought for the day.
by Sasha Stone | Jun 13, 2008 | THE WEIRDNESS OF LIFE
After driving through this hot and crowded city in pursuit of an elusive paycheck, I drove down Hollywood Blvd. for the first time in a while and what did I see but two reality shows being filmed, a lot more fans crowding in front of the Mann’s Chinese than ever...
by Sasha Stone | Jun 13, 2008 | Blog 'em and Weep
I had to laugh yesterday when we delivered our hard-won newspaper to our fourth grade class and other administrators around the school and a new parent approached. Her daughter was being brought into the fifth grade magnet. Supposedly, according to the admins, there...
by Sasha Stone | Jun 12, 2008 | Blog 'em and Weep
There is an odd sort of disconnect in the Los Angeles educational industry, I should call it, where there are programs that are springing up everywhere that parents can fork out vast amounts of dough to send their kids. They aren’t cushy summer camps where the...