An Update on Abby

It looks like it will be a couple of days before they can reach the location where Abby Sunderland disappeared. That seems really odd to me, but whatever. The Australian Coast Guard said he would fly over the area to see if he could locate her. Abby video–...


I took these pictures at my niece’s birthday. Three of these girls are cousins and one is a friend. Because of the low light, they ended up in blur, except for excerpts of them here and there. But this one shows you the magic of photography. This is what I have...

A Word for Katy Perry

I was just about out the door on the Katy Perry thing. Too much stuff being thrown out all at once. She is trussed up in every video, a lot of flash and very little substance. But, I’ve recently discovered that she’s an absolutely AMAZING singer. Why she...